mit Johanna van Löchtern
In dieser Episode werde ich dir mein ultimatives Geheimnis für die Manifestation enthüllen:
W O L L E N.
Bereits in der Bibel heißt es:
"Dein Wille geschehe".
What if something you desire just isn't coming to fruition?
I'm passionate about helping you manifest your desires quickly, easily, and with a sense of joy.
Today, I will give y...
Fragst du dich, wohin der Flow mich in den letzten Monaten geführt hat?
Hast du Lust, mehr über meine jüngsten Manifestationen und Fügungen zu erfahren?
In dieser Folge nehme ic...
You want to explore how you can achieve a state of complete alignment with your soul and the universe?
Today I will share with you 3 steps to get into a state of flow, trust, surrender… ...
Have you been struggling to manifest your dreams or do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of negativity and lack?
This episode is for you if you want to change your energetic state.
...Manifestation has become a buzzword in recent times, but it's important to understand that it's not just about creating vision boards or reciting affirmations. It's also about tapping into our i...
241: Have you ever wondered what your life would look like if you just surrendered and followed your inner guidance?
In my experience, which I am sharing today, I can tell you that thing...
240: Love is one of the most powerful emotions that we can experience as human beings, but it's not always easy to love unconditionally. In this episode we will explore the transformative power ...
239: We often believe that success comes from doing more, working harder, and pushing ourselves to the limit. But what if I told you that it's not about doing, it's about being?
In today...
238: A quick but deep meditation that connects you with your highest self while helping you to transform your mindset and improve your way of being.
You can do this guided meditation whe...